Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Course Catalog & Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Course Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

The Enrollment Services Office seeks to provide assistance to students who are enrolled in eligible programs and have a desire to attend college. The types of aid available include grants, scholarships, tuition assistance programs, part-time employment, and loan programs. Enrollment Services staff are available to advise and assist students in applying for financial assistance. All students are encouraged to apply by the priority deadline for each semester. The following priority deadlines apply:

Fall Semester: June 1
Spring Semester: November 1
Summer Session: March 1

Financial need is determined by a standard formula established by the U.S. Congress to evaluate the information reported by the parents and/or the student from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The formula produces an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) number. The financial need is determined by subtracting the EFC from total cost of attending York Technical College. The FAFSA form is free and must be submitted each academic year. It is available online at www.studentaid.gov. Please note that financial aid can only pay for courses that count towards the student’s current, eligible program of study. To qualify for Title IV assistance, a student must have a high school diploma or the recognized equivalent.

Workforce and Economic Development

Continuing Education courses are non-credit; therefore, fewer forms of financial assistance are available. For more information, please contact the Workforce and Economic Development Division at 803-325-2888.

Types of Assistance

Federal Pell Grant - The Federal Pell Grant is a program which provides the foundation of financial assistance for postsecondary education. These grants range from $650 to $6,495 per year for tuition, books, and other educational expenses. The lifetime eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant is 600 percent, which is the equivalent of six years of awards for full time attendance (12 semesters) at all colleges attended.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) - FSEOG may provide an additional $250 - $1,000 per year to Pell Grant recipients who demonstrate, as determined by the FAFSA, to have extreme financial need. FSEOG funds are limited; therefore, students should apply early.

South Carolina Need-Based Grant (SCNBG) - The SCNBG is a state-funded, need-based grant for students enrolled as undergraduates in public institutions of higher learning in South Carolina. These grants range from $1,250 to $2,500 per year at York Technical College and are limited to four full-time semesters. Eligibility is determined through the FAFSA. Funds are limited; therefore, students should apply early. Eligible students must complete the SCNBG Certification form in order to accept the funds.

Completion Grant - The Completion Grant is an investment in student success to ensure our students are able to complete their program of study. The grant aims to help students pay for the last semester of their program of study. The amount of the grant varies on a case-by-case scenario. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more details.

Lottery Tuition Assistance Program - The purpose of the Lottery Tuition Assistance Program (LTAP) is to provide resources that supplement, not supplant existing resources for educational purposes to South Carolina students. The program will assist students who wish to attend two-year public or independent colleges in the state. The semester award amount is subject to change based on yearly program funding. All students, except those who completed the FAFSA waiver form, are required to file the FAFSA and complete the process to determine eligibility for federal student aid each academic year. Adjustments to the Lottery Tuition Assistance Award will be made when a Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG, and SCNBG are part of the student’s financial aid package. In addition, if a student is enrolled for less than full time per semester, the amount will be prorated. In order to be eligible, South Carolina residents must have registered for a minimum of 6.0 credit hours. Financial need is not part of the criteria for LTAP eligibility.

Students who meet certain documented conditions may be eligible to receive Lottery Tuition Assistance without filing the FAFSA. For exceptions and documentation requirements, please refer to the FAFSA Waiver form on the College’s website at www.yorktech.edu/campus-life/student-policies-and-resources/ under Campus Life/Student Forms/Forms & Information (Years). By signing this form, students waive their rights to other types of financial assistance for the academic year.

South Carolina Workforce Industry Needs Scholarship (SCWINS) - The SCWINS Scholarship is a statewide technical college scholarship program designed to address workforce shortages in South Carolina.  The Scholarship supplements Lottery Tuition Assistance (LTAP) to help cover any tuition and mandatory fees left after applying all other scholarships or grants.  Students will be eligible to receive the scholarship if they meet one of the two following criteria:

  • Criteria One (Major): A student must be receiving Lottery Tuition Assistance Program Scholarship (LTAP) for the current academic year and majoring in a critical workforce area as defined by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education.
  • Criteria Two (Income): A student must be receiving a LTAP scholarship for the current academic year and meet the USDA income eligibility guidelines for free and reduced-priced meals.

Recipients will receive the annual per credit hour amount as established for the academic year. The scholarship may cover the cost of tuition and mandatory fees.  There is also a book allowance of up to $300 per year if a student qualifies by the critical workforce major.

LIFE Scholarship Program - The Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship Program is a merit-based program. Eligible students who attend York Technical College may receive the cost of tuition and fees each fall and spring term up to a maximum of $5,000 per year. Legal South Carolina residents with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on the 4.0 SC Uniform Grade Scale and who enter college after high school graduation and take a minimum of 12 non-remedial credits per semester may qualify. In addition, students who earned an equivalent average of 30 semester hours at a South Carolina college or university and who earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale during their first year of enrollment may also qualify. LIFE candidates should complete the LIFE Scholarship Request e-form by the established deadline. The link is available under Student Forms at https://yorktech.edu/campus-life/student-policies-and-resources/.

Scholarships - Scholarships are provided through the York Technical College Foundation and the generosity of local citizens, civic clubs, and business groups. Scholarships are awarded to students on a competitive basis and are based on criteria such as academic excellence, leadership qualities, and financial need. Awards usually include tuition and/or book assistance and require the recipient to maintain a minimum GPA. A listing of Foundation and outside scholarship opportunities may be found online at https://yorktech.academicworks.com/opportunities.

Federal Work-Study - Federal Work-Study is a part-time employment program which provides jobs that enable students to earn money for educational expenses. These positions are most often limited to 20 hours per week. Awards and job placement are determined by the student’s eligibility, class schedule, academic progress, and job skills, as well as the availability of positions and funds.

Federal Direct Loans - Direct Loans are borrowed money that must be repaid with interest. Loans are available for undergraduate students enrolled in at least 6 credit hours. Institutional conditions apply. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Alternative (Private) Loans - Alternative loans are borrowed money that must be repaid with interest. These loans are offered at a higher interest rate and should only be considered after exhausting all other sources of financial assistance including Federal Direct Loans. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

Students receiving Federal financial assistance are required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards while State financial assistance programs have standards of progress which may vary with each program. In addition, Federal and State requirements restrict the time frame that students receiving assistance have to complete their program, require completion of a minimum number of credit hours each term, and require a certain cumulative GPA, along with a prescribed number of credit hours it takes to complete each academic program. Failure to do so may result in termination of eligibility. Detailed information on the SAP standards is issued to all students receiving financial aid. All recipients of financial aid are required to meet SAP guidelines established by York Technical College to comply with federal regulations. The intent of the policy is to ensure that students who receive Federal and State financial assistance are making measurable progress toward completion of a program of study. The policy is separate from the institution’s standards of progress and is monitored by the Financial Aid Office. SAP must include both qualitative (GPA), maximum time frame, and pace of progression (completion rate). These three criteria are applied to determine progress at York Technical College:

  1. The maximum length of time for which the student may receive financial assistance (150%).
  2. The percentage of attempted credit hours the student must earn (67-100%).
  3. The minimum cumulative GPA the student must maintain (2.0).
  4. Satisfactory Academic Progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester for all students with a financial aid record and enrollment. Results of that review will be used to determine the subsequent semester’s eligibility for financial assistance. Students are responsible to ensure that they maintain the minimum cumulative GPA and to ensure that they complete the required minimum number of credits each semester.

Satisfactory Academic Progress must be maintained even during semesters in which Federal and State assistance is not received.

Grades/Coursework Reviewed in Cumulative GPA

Grades of F, I, W, and WF indicate unsatisfactory completion of courses for financial aid purposes (see page 29 for grade explanations). Failure of a student to satisfactorily complete the required number of credits during the semester may result in a warning or suspension of financial assistance.

Incomplete Grades: Incomplete courses will not be considered complete until official confirmation has been received in the Financial Aid Office showing satisfactory completion of the incomplete course.

Repeat Courses: Repeated courses count as attempted credit hours. Financial aid funds can only be used to pay for a passed course twice; the third attempt of any previously passed course is the responsibility of the student.

Developmental (Remedial) Courses: Students who enroll in remedial coursework may receive financial assistance for a maximum of 30 hours. These courses do NOT count in the GPA.

Distance Delivered Courses (Teleclass, Hybrid and Online formats): These courses count toward the credit hour load and may be used to fulfill the credit hour requirement for financial assistance if the courses are required for a student’s degree program.

Initial Eligibility: First-time freshmen with no prior academic history at York Technical College are considered to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress for the first semester of enrollment.

To establish initial eligibility for financial aid as a current student, procedures require a review of the past academic record even if the student paid for the courses. Transfer credits will be counted in cumulative hours attempted, and the student must have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Academic Fresh Start Program is an institutional program for students returning to York Technical College after at least a two-year absence. This program does not apply to the calculation for determining Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial assistance. All credits attempted at York Technical College must be part of the calculation.

Financial Aid Warning

Students who receive financial assistance but fail to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress will be placed on a warning but are eligible to receive financial assistance for one term. If at the end of the warning semester a student has not reached a 2.0 GPA, a 67 percent completion rate, or graduated, he/she will be suspended.

Financial Aid Suspension

Financial aid suspension will occur as a result of the following:

A student who is suspended after failing to meet the SAP requirements at the end of the warning term MUST attend on his/her own without financial assistance and earn the required cumulative GPA in order to regain eligibility. Appeals may be considered if a student has experienced unusual, extenuating circumstances that can be documented. Students who are deemed on financial aid suspension will not be awarded financial assistance. If a student is deemed ineligible within an award year, any financial aid awards for the next term(s) will be canceled. Continuation of coursework will be at the student’s expense.


Appeals: A student whose financial assistance has been suspended may appeal that decision. Appeal forms are available in the Enrollment Services Office. Written documentation is required for appeals for financial aid reinstatement. The student’s written statement MUST include the reason why he/she failed to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. This is also to include what has changed and how he/she will improve. A program evaluation and academic plan will be required. Appeal deadlines are established for each semester, and a student may not appeal after a semester has started. A committee reviews each appeal on a case-by-case basis to determine whether reinstatement of assistance will be granted, and all decisions are final. Submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of financial assistance.

Probation Appeal: If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on financial aid probation for one semester and must meet the stipulations of her/his appeal. Students must be meeting the SAP standards or have an approved academic plan in order to qualify for further funding. Students on an approved appeal must complete 100 percent of the attempted hours and have a 2.0 term GPA. Failure to regain good standing status within the probation semester will result in the suspension of future financial assistance.

Criteria #1: Federal regulations mandate a maximum time frame in which a student must complete their program as 150 percent of the published length of the educational program. The assessment of hours is cumulative and includes previous hours attempted (regardless of grade): transfer credits, repeat classes, incompletes, and grades of withdrawal (W) and (WF). Previous credits will be included in the cumulative total whether or not financial assistance was received. The 150 percent time frame will be monitored each semester. Once the maximum 150 percent of the program has been attempted, the student is no longer eligible for financial assistance.

Students pursuing multiple programs of study through York Technical College will be limited to a maximum time frame based upon their program of study. Ninety (90) hours attempted is 150 percent of what is required to earn a 60 credit hour associate’s degree at most two-year institutions. A first degree may be earned before a recipient has attempted the maximum of 150 percent of the semester hours required for the program originally enrolled. The Financial Aid Office will complete a program assessment to determine a “new allowable time frame” if the student pursues a new program and has reached the maximum allowable hours. The student must submit an appeal and have it approved before a new time frame is set. The Financial Aid Office will notify a student of the “new allowable time frame”. A student must be reviewed at the end of each semester before any financial aid funds are applied to the account.

Change of Major(s): A student who changes his or her major is still responsible for maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress in accordance with the procedure as outlined. A review of SAP will be based on the student’s current program of study. A student changing from an associate’s program to a diploma or certificate program of study may lose federal and state eligibility immediately upon making the change based on the cumulative academic history review for the 150 percent maximum time frame requirement. Note: If a student is considering changing his or her program of study, he or she should speak with the Financial Aid Office first to determine the impact on his or her financial aid eligibility.

Criteria #2: In order to assure progress toward the completion of a program, students receiving financial assistance at York Technical College must complete 67 percent of all attempted hours. Attempted hours are all courses the student is enrolled in at the end of the drop period for the term.

Criteria #3: A student must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA to receive financial assistance. If the cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of the evaluation period, the student will be placed on financial aid warning.

Veterans’ Benefits

York Technical College is approved by the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education for training of eligible veterans and children and spouses of deceased or disabled veterans. The College processes benefits for the following programs:

Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill
Chapter 31 Disabled Veterans (Vocational Rehabilitation)
Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill
Chapter 35 Dependents and Survivors’ Benefits
Chapter 1606 Reservists and National Guard Benefits
Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
SC Free Tuition Vet Dependents
Work-Study and Tutorial Assistance

Eligibility for Veterans’ Benefits is determined by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. You may call the VA toll free at 1-888-442-4551 if you have questions about your eligibility.

VA Certification for Online Courses

In order to meet VA certification requirements for off-campus courses such as practicums, internships/externships, and residencies, as well as courses offered via the internet or other modes of distance learning, York Technical College acknowledges that these courses are part of the College’s approved curriculum, are directly supervised by the College, are measured in the same unit as other courses, are required for graduation, and are part of a program of study approved by the State Approving Agency. The College provides an assigned instructor for each course. The College requires that the faculty teaching these courses use a grading system similar to the grading system used in resident courses and include statements in the course syllabus that indicate that appropriate assignments are needed for the completion of the course. Further, the student must demonstrate, at least once a week, that he/she is actively involved in the class. Examples of activities that can be used to demonstrate this involvement include, but are not limited to, the following: posting/receiving emails, participating in online class discussions and class chat rooms, and completing and submitting course assignments. Further, the College requires that these courses have schedules of time for training and instruction which demonstrate that students shall spend at least as much time in preparation, instruction, and training as is normally required by the College for its resident courses. All students participating in online classes must comply with the College’s attendance procedure for online students.