Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Course Catalog & Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Course Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic and Instructional Support Services

Center for Academic Success

The Center for Academic Success provides a combination of services that support successful teaching and learning.

Academic Coaching and Tutoring

The Academic Coaching and Tutoring Center (ACT) maximizes academic potential and promotes student success and retention by providing academic support and resources that help students become active and independent learners. Tutoring is available in-person and online in most subject areas. Online tutoring is available 24/7 through Brainfuse in D2L. Academic coaching service is provided to help students design personal study strategies based upon individual learning styles. For more information, go to http://www.yorktech.edu/campus-life/support-resources/tutoring-center/.

The Anne Springs Close Library

The Anne Springs Close Library is located on main campus in the Learning Commons. It is open during day and evening hours, Monday through Friday, to provide quiet study space and research assistance to students. 24/7 access to extensive electronic resources for study and research is available from the Library’s website, www.yorktech.edu/Library. The website also provides access to online tutorials that familiarizes patrons with the Library’s collections and services. The Library’s computer lab has numerous computers available for information retrieval and library research, and students may print copies as well. The Library also offers a public access scanner to scan to email, flash drive, Google drive, and smartphone at no charge. Books, journals, newspapers, audiobooks, anatomy and physiology models, CDs, and DVDs are among the many resources in the Library’s collection. Class instruction on how to do library research is available upon request. Individual assistance is offered at all times by qualified and knowledgeable librarians and library technical assistants.

Academic and Career Advising Center

The Academic and Career Advising Center offers students assistance with advising, career exploration, and more. Students who are undecided or uncertain about their major or career path can receive one-on-one consultations to discuss how their interests, skills, and personality match programs to best fit their goals. The Advising Center processes academic program changes and provides assistance to help students with the transition of their major. Student may also receive advising and general assistance related to their academic success within the Advising Center. For more information, go to https://www.yorktech.edu/campus-life/support-resources/academic-advising/.


EXCELS (EXcellence through College Enrollment for LearnerS) is a program that provides opportunities for high school juniors and seniors to earn dual credit for high school and college-level courses while still enrolled in high school. Typically, advanced high school courses and entry-level college courses can be coordinated as EXCELS courses. High school students enrolled in EXCELS courses will begin a college transcript with a GPA. This is part of the GPA used for calculation of scholarships such as the LIFE Scholarship. Many courses may transfer to other two-year and four-year institutions.

Institute for Teaching Excellence

The Institute for Teaching Excellence supports the College mission of accessible, relevant, and high-quality education through instructional support, encompassing curriculum development and revision, faculty and staff development, alternative methods of delivery and assessment, and exploration of innovative strategies and tools for teaching and learning. The Institute for Teaching Excellence consists of faculty and staff specializing in instructional design, pedagogy, education technology, and distance learning / online courses. 

The Institute for Teaching Excellence maintains a Student Success Resources web page which contains information, videos, guides, and interactive presentations on a number of topics including academic integrity, how to access the WiFi, remote proctoring, using D2L Brightspace, Office 365, tutoring services and more.  URL: https://yorktech.libguides.com/onlinestudentresources

The Day 1 Toolbox web page contains information to help orient students to their first day at York Technical College. The page includes content about course schedules, course materials, accessing campus WiFi, Office365, the course syllabus, frequently asked questions, ways to locate support, and other information designed to help students be successful from day 1. 

When inside D2L/Brightspace learning management system, students may access help directly through the HELP button located on the top navigation bar. This button is present for the home page and all course pages in D2L. Once students have accessed a course, two informational content modules are provided for quick-reference at any time: 1) academic integrity and 2) navigating the D2L classroom and learning management system. 

Workforce and Economic Development

The Workforce and Economic Development Division of York Technical College offers a wide variety of programming for individuals seeking a new career, wanting to upgrade their current skills, or desiring to enrich their life through learning. Courses are also available to meet the needs of business and industry and can be customized to their particular specifications when needed. Programs are scheduled throughout the year in day, evening, and weekend time slots and are taught by certified instructors with professional experience. Hundreds of online courses are also offered.

Certifications and Licensures

Professional certifications offer an assurance to employers that students are qualified to perform certain job duties and tasks. In specific fields, certifications are required before candidates will be considered for a position, and in many other fields, certifications, while not required, are highly valued and help job seekers gain a competitive edge in a tough job market. Programs that are approved through state agencies (such as DMV or DHEC) meet special occupational licensure requirements. Several occupational programs are also offered online to enable learning from the convenience of home.

Programs for Entrepreneurs, Job Seekers, and Employers

Entrepreneurs can take advantage of specialized courses that will prepare them to do business planning, operations, and marketing. Short courses for industry-recognized credentials are available to assist job seekers in obtaining occupational training in high demand fields. Individuals wishing to advance in their career or seek additional career opportunities can benefit from professional development courses designed to prepare them for changing workforce needs. Corporate training solutions, employee job profiles, or assessments can also be custom designed to fit any employer’s workforce needs. Training can be conducted at the company site or at a York Technical College campus.

CEU Credit

Students who satisfactorily complete occupational skills courses receive a certificate of completion and Continuing Education Units (CEU) as appropriate. One CEU is awarded for every 10 contact hours of a course.

Registration and Payment

Scheduling an appointment with a program manager to learn more detailed information about an occupational program is recommended. Registration may be made in person, by mail, by telephone at 803-325-2888, by fax at 803-981-7327, or online with a credit card in WebAdvisor under Continuing Education tab (webadvisor/continuingeducation). Tuition may be paid by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Some programs may require special tools and supplies. Tuition fees do not typically include cost of textbooks.


Refunds will not be given to persons canceling less than two business days prior to the start of a program. If the College is forced to cancel due to low enrollment, full refunds will be made. Some certificate programs may have non-refundable seating fees.