Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Course Catalog & Student Handbook (UNDER REVIEW) 
2025-2026 Course Catalog & Student Handbook (UNDER REVIEW)

Student Services and Handbook

Student Services Departments

Academic Administration

Located in the Student Services (J) building, Academic Administration is comprised of the following service area:

Registrar’s Office - The Registrar’s Office provides the following services for students: residency determination, course registration, grade reports, official transcripts, enrollment verifications, student loan deferments, applications for graduation, and maintenance of student records. The office also provides services for transcript evaluations; evaluations of military credit; evaluation of AP, IB or CLEP credit; processing of course substitutions; academic progress monitoring and notification; verification of graduation requirements; graduation ceremony preparations; preparation of degrees, diplomas, and certificates; and certification and determination of honors. York Technical College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for all verifications of student enrollment. Please visit the Clearinghouse online at or contact them by phone at 703-742-4200 to obtain enrollment verifications.

Enrollment Services

Located in the Student Services (J) building, Enrollment Services is comprised of the following service areas:

Admissions Office - The Admissions Office provides assistance and guidance throughout the application and enrollment process. Admissions counselors help students learn about the many programs of study offered by the College and the career opportunities awaiting graduates to help them make an informed decision about their program of study. Students needing additional assistance in choosing an educational goal may be referred to Workforce Solutions for further guidance. Counselors help students understand the results of their placement test and what courses are best suited to their level of achievement as they begin their program of study. To assist in making a smooth transition to college life, Admissions also provides new students with important information about the many college resources available to help in reaching their educational goal. After admission to the College, counselors help students connect with faculty representing their academic program who will provide more specific information related to their major.

Financial Aid Office - The Financial Aid Office seeks to provide assistance to students who are enrolled in eligible programs and have a desire to attend college. The office also offers financial literacy programming to help students make sound financial decisions and use of their financial aid to support their educational goals. The types of aid available include grants, scholarships, tuition assistance programs, part time employment, and loan programs. Financial Aid Counselors are available to advise and assist students in applying for financial assistance. All students are encouraged to apply by the priority deadline for each semester.

One-Stop Center - The One-Stop Center includes the College’s Call Center (Switchboard) and Welcome Center. The Call Center handles all incoming calls to the College’s toll-free and local numbers and its Off-Campus Centers. The Call Center provides customer service and information to future and current students along with the public at-large. Also located in the Student Services (J) building, the Welcome Center provides prospective students and families with walk-in access to admissions, financial aid, registar, and other enrollment-related assistance during operating hours.

Student Engagement Services

The Student Engagement component of Student Services strives to provide student centered services and programs that complement our students’ academic goals and positively impact their development and overall experience and success.  The Student Engagement division is comprised of the following service areas:

Assessment Center - The Assessment Center (AC), located in Building A Room 203, provides test proctoring services for make-up, distance learning, placement, exemption, and certification tests. The York Technical College AC is a member of the Consortium of College Testing Centers and the National College Testing Association and is authorized to administer CLEP, TEAS, NCCT, and other national certification exams. For more information about the Assessment Center services, go to

Counseling and Support Services

Located in the Building J, Counseling and Support Services (CASS) is comprised of the following service areas:

Counseling Services - Mental health and academic counseling, provided by trained and licensed Counselors, is available to help students address academic, personal, and/or psychological needs. Referrals to resources in the community are provided as appropriate. Counseling appointments (in-person, phone, or zoom) are available 8-5, Monday through Friday. Students can make appointments by emailing, calling 803-327-8007, or through Navigate. YTC also partners with a Student Assistance Program that provides short-term counseling, including nights and weekends. For more information, visit their website at, call 800-633-3353, download the MYGroup app, available at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or access through the “Student Assistance Program” icon on the Navigate student app.

Disability Services - The Student Resources Office (SRO) in Student Services coordinates services and accommodations for students with documented disabilities, including but not limited to, physical, learning, and psychological disabilities. These services provide equal educational opportunities to students by minimizing the impact of functional limitations upon their academic lives. Students seeking services must register through the SRO, provide appropriate documentation of their disability, and specify accommodation needs and requests. Reasonable academic accommodations are determined based on a review of the documentation and an interview with the student. Accommodations are provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), the Amendments Act (2008), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Veteran & Military Services - York Technical College is committed to providing support for all Veteran, military, and military-affiliated students. Resources, referrals, and events are provided to maximize student success from the point of enrollment through graduation and placement in the workforce. For more information about the services available, visit the VMS website at

Student Leadership and Events Office

The Student Leadership and Events Office provides educational, cultural, social events, and activities to engage and develop students. This office serves as a liaison for student clubs and organizations at York Technical College. Students are encouraged to visit our office or call 803-981-7052 to ask questions, make suggestions, or to sign up to participate in a club or activity. Our department also provides students with opportunities to develop leadership, interpersonal, social, team-building, and problem-solving skills. Student representation in college governance is achieved through participation in Deans’ Councils, student organizations, surveys, and focus groups. Periodically, Student Leaderships and Events shares service-learning opportunities for students to volunteer their time and talents both on campus and in the community. Students are encouraged to seek these opportunities through the clubs and organizations on campus.

Student Clubs and Organizations

The following is a list of clubs and organizations that are currently active at York Technical College.

  • Aperion Society (Science Club)
  • ASL (American Sign Language) Club
  • Christian Fellowship Club
  • First Generation Student Club
  • Fitness Club
  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
  • Literary Arts Club
  • Multicultural Club
  • National Society of Leadership Success (NSLS)
  • Phi Theta Kappa (National Honor Society)
  • Roentgen Ray Society (Rad Tech Club)
  • SkillsUSA Chapter
  • Surgical Technology Club (SCRUB Club)
  • Student Nursing Association (SNA)

Publications and Other Resources

The student Academic Calendar is published annually online and includes a calendar of important dates and deadlines, holidays and scheduled campus closed dates. The Student Events and Activities Calendar is published each semester online and includes what’s happening on campus for that semester. You will also find under the Campus Life tab ( information about clubs, organizations, and special events. The Student News is published monthly and also includes information about important academic dates and deadlines, special events, upcoming activities, and announcements for the main campus and off-campus centers.

Student Success Center Offices

Federal TRIO Programs - PROMISE and STEM Scholars - PROMISE (Providing Resources Opportunities and Motivation to Improve Student Endeavors) and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Scholars are Student Support Services (SSS) Projects. SSS is one of seven federal programs known collectively as TRIO Programs. TRIO Programs are authorized and funded through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The PROMISE and STEM Scholars programs serve to motivate students towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of both programs is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants. To facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next, these programs provide free individual or small group tutoring, counseling and academic advising, college transfer assistance, college success workshops, and other support services. STEM Scholars focuses on the unique needs of students pursuing careers in health care, industrial technology, and engineering technology.  The PROMISE program serves students pursuing credentials in human services, business, computers, and art and sciences. Space is limited; selections are made based upon student needs and according to guidelines established by the US Department of Education. For additional information, contact the office directly at 803-981-7198.

Workforce Solutions - Workforce Solutions, located in C Building, is part of the Workforce and Economic Development Division. They assist students and alumni in preparing for employment opportunities. The Workforce Solutions team coordinates on-campus recruiting events with the business community, provides workshops, and assists students and alumni in the development of employability skills and marketable resumes. Workforce Solutions provides individuals with local job opportunities through the job posting database CareerLink. CareerLink is available exclusively for York Technical College students and graduates and can be accessed online at: Through this job portal, individuals can upload resumes for employers to access, search and apply for employment opportunities, and sign up to receive automatic emails when jobs are posted that match criteria. Students working with the Workforce Solutions coordinators may also take advantage of Work-Based Learning (WBL) opportunities. WBL integrates classroom study with hands-on experience. The short-term internship and co-op programs have specific periods of attendance at York Technical College and specific periods of employment. The longer-term apprenticeship and other industry scholars training programs provide a combination of hands-on training at the job site and classroom learning in a skilled profession, which, when completed, can lead to a successful long-term career with a competitive salary.

Student Conduct

York Technical College adheres to the South Carolina Technical College System Student Code and Grievance Procedure, approved by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education on January 12, 2023. Copies of this Student Code and Grievance Procedure are available in: the College Library; the Industrial and Engineering Technologies Division Offices in Building C; the Business, Computer, Arts and Sciences Division Office in Building A; the Health and Human Services Division Office in Building A; the Student Activities Office in the Student Center; the Dean for Student Engagement Office in the Student Services Building J; and on the College’s website at Currently enrolled students are sent the direct link to this information each term of enrollment. The Student Code and Grievance Procedure shall govern conduct and guarantee due process for students enrolled at the College. The code applies to behavior on college property, at college-sponsored activities and events, and at off-campus locations that adversely affects the College and/or the college community. Students are responsible for adhering to these guidelines to foster an environment in which learning can flourish.

While students are expected to familiarize themselves with the full document, the items below are examples of significant behavioral and academic expectations that can be found in the Student Code* and include the associated disciplinary action if those expectations are violated:

  1. Respectful and Considerate Behavior - Students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and to maintain high standards of responsible citizenship. Students who engage in acts such as stealing, profane language, immoral conduct, any type of aggressive behavior, or any act that endangers the health, safety, or property of others are subject to disciplinary action. The College reserves the right to decline admission, suspend, or require the withdrawal of anyone whose conduct is disruptive to the educational process or infringes on the rights of others.
  2. Drug and Alcohol Free - Students are expected to report to class and student activities in appropriate mental and physical condition to meet the requirements and expectations of their roles. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages or other drugs by a student while on college property or participating in a college-sponsored event is prohibited and is grounds for dismissal. York Technical College does not sanction the use of alcoholic beverages at any event involving students of the College.
  3. Academic Honesty - Students are expected to meet high standards of academic honesty and integrity. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating; copying another student’s work; using unauthorized equipment or materials during a test; obtaining, using, buying, or selling the contents of a test; falsifying or inventing information such as reports or laboratory results; plagiarism; and collusion. Students who are found guilty of academic dishonesty may be assigned a lower grade for the assignment including a grade of zero, may be required to repeat or resubmit the assignment, may be assigned a failing grade for the course, or may be required to withdraw from the course. Students may also be subject to further disciplinary action.

*For incidents involving allegations of Title IX violations (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual assault, some forms of stalking, dating violence, etc.) please refer to the Student Code Procedures for Addressing Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment on the College’s website at Questions regarding Title IX may be directed to the Title IX and Section 504 Compliance Officer, Mr. James Robson, Dean for Student Engagement, York Technical College, 452 South Anderson Road, Rock Hill, South Carolina 29730. Telephone: 803-327-8047 or email at

Student Grievance (Complaint) Procedure Summary

The following information is provided as a summary of the College’s Grievance Procedure. Students should refer to the Student Grievance Procedure on the College’s website for the complete Student Grievance Procedure (

The purpose of the student grievance procedure is to provide a system to channel and resolve student complaints against a college employee concerning decisions made or actions taken. A decision or action can be grieved only if it involves misapplication of a college’s policies, procedures, or regulations or a state or federal law. This procedure may not be used for:  (1) a claim against a college employee for any matter unrelated to the employee’s role or position at the college; (2) complaints or appeals of grades awarded unless the complaint is based upon alleged discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, gender, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, other categories protected by applicable law or on the basis of alleged sexual harassment/violence; or (3) to grieve a decision for which other grievance or appeal procedures exists. A grievance cannot be filed on behalf of another person.

First Step - The student should go to the instructor or staff member where the alleged problem originated. An attempt will be made to resolve the matter equitably and informally at this level. This procedure should be initiated by the student within 15 instructional weekdays of becoming aware of the decision, action, or event giving risk to the grievance. If the issue is not resolved with the instructor or staff member, the student may see the direct supervisor of the instructor or staff member to seek an informal resolution. Please note that in instances alleging discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment and violence, the student is not required to initially try to resolve the matter with the person alleged to have committed the violation.

Second Step - If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal conference(s), the student may file a written grievance to the next level of supervision. The Dean for Student Engagement will make a grievance form available to the student and explain the grievance process to the student. The completed grievance form must be presented to the Dean for Student Engagement within thirty (30) instructional weekdays of becoming aware of the decision, action, or event giving rise to the grievance. No retaliation or adverse action will be taken against the student for filing a complaint. The Dean for Student Engagement will then refer the grievance to the immediate supervisor involved and/or the next level of supervision if the supervisor was involved in the informal resolution at step one. The supervisor and/or Dean/Associate Vice President shall respond in writing to the student within ten (10) instructional weekdays of receipt of the grievance. As a part of the effort to resolve the issue, the supervisor and/or Dean/Associate Vice President will consult with the accused and the appropriate chain of command of the division involved.

Third Step - If the supervisor’s and/or Dean’s/Associate Vice President’s written response does not resolve the matter, the student may request to appear before the Student Grievance Committee. The student must submit a written request within five (5) instructional weekdays after receiving the supervisor’s and/or Dean’s/Associate Vice President’s written response.

Fourth Step - If the student is not satisfied with the Student Grievance Committee’s decision, the student may submit a written appeal to the President of York Technical College within ten (10) instructional weekdays of the Committee’s decision. The President shall review the Committee’s findings and render a decision within ten (10) instructional weekdays of receipt of the appeal. The President’s decision is the final step.

For complete details on the College’s Grievance Procedure, students should refer to the Student Grievance Procedure on the College’s website (

Student Grievances in Distance Education Courses

Student complaints related to distance education and online courses follow the same process as all other courses at York Technical College, outlined above. Additional information referring to the Student Grievance Procedure with Distance Education Resources can be found on the College website at

Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)

As a proactive measure to contribute to a safe campus environment, York Technical College has a Behavior Intervention Team to intervene early and provide support to students displaying varying levels of disruptive or distressed behaviors as well as provide training and recommendations to faculty and staff. The BIT members are comprised of representatives from the Dean for Student Engagement Office, Academic Instruction, Counseling and Support Services, and the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety and have campus security authority responsibility. For more detailed information on the role of a Campus Security Authority, refer to the College’s Annual Security Report.

COVID-19, Flu, and Other Sickness Guidelines

Students who are sick and have symptoms of COVID-19, the Flu or similar illness should notify their instructor and stay home until the symptoms resolve. Instructors should be flexible and allow alternative mechanisms for assignments or course completion. Students with more severe symptoms who require extended time away from classes (i.e., more than a week) should contact Counseling and Support Services by email at or call (803) 327-8007. For more information COVID protocols are posted on the Counseling Services webpage at

Tobacco-Free Campus

York Technical College prohibits smoking and the use of all tobacco products in any form, including the use of all electronic cigarette or vaping dispensers, except in personal vehicles. Individuals must be sitting in the passenger compartment of a personal vehicle to be in compliance with the guidelines. Individuals are expected to dispose of the residue from their tobacco products safely and appropriately in their vehicles. Violations may result in individuals being fined for each offense at the discretion of the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety Office. Please refer to the Tobacco-Use Guidelines at for more detailed information.


All students and employees are required to display a current parking decal on their vehicle and abide by the parking regulations. Vehicles without a valid decal displayed appropriately are subject to receiving a citation. Parking regulations are published on the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety Office website at

Classroom Etiquette

Students are not permitted to eat or drink in the labs. Eating and/or drinking in classrooms is left to the discretion of the instructor. Students are expected to respect and follow their instructor’s guidance on the use of laptops, cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices in the classroom. Furthermore, smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes (vaping), is not permitted in any campus building. (See Tobacco-Use Guidelines for additional information.)

Shop and Laboratory Areas

Since the shops and laboratories pose a potential area of hazard, students and others should not visit the shops without the permission of the instructor in charge.

Dress Code

If extreme styles of dress interfere with the educational process, appropriate attire will be suggested to the student. Specific dress code requirements apply in certain programs (such as those containing clinical rotations, labs, shops, and work-based learning) and are specified accordingly.

Student Insurance

An insurance policy covering injuries due to accidents in school becomes effective upon enrollment. The cost of this insurance is included in the registration fee. The insurance is secondary insurance and pays only those qualified medical expenses not covered by the student’s own medical insurance. Completed accident reports and billing expense statements will be processed by the Office of the Dean for Student Engagement.

Students needing health insurance may go to or call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY 1-855-889-4325) 24/7 to find a healthcare plan suitable for their needs. Association plans, such as the ones previously provided by the American College Student Association (ACSA), are no longer options under the new healthcare legislation.

Student ID Cards

York Technical College offers Student ID cards for all students. Students will need their ID Card to check out materials from the library and attend campus events. Students should keep the card with them at all times while on campus. Photos are made at the Student Center Welcome Desk in Building K. Student ID cards for Continuing Education courses are available in the Continuing Education offices located in Building C.

Health Services

As a non-residential college, the health services that York Technical College provides are limited. First-aid kits are available in every building, including the College’s off-campus centers, and their locations can be found on the emergency maps posted throughout the buildings. Students should contact the faculty/staff members in these areas for assistance with accessing the first-aid kits.

The procedure outlined below should be followed for any student involved in an accident on campus requiring professional medical treatment:

  1. Contact the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety or the nearest faculty/staff member for assistance. The faculty/staff member will contact the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety . All Department of Law Enforcement and Safety officers are trained in first aid and CPR.
  2. Obtain a Verification of Student Accident Insurance form from the Dean for Student Engagement Office to take to the health care facility, if needed.
  3. If the student is incapacitated and immediate evacuation is necessary, the Dean for Student Engagement Office will be notified so that the student’s emergency contact on record can be informed.
  4. If an accidental injury occurs during evening classes, employee member should contact the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety immediately at 803-327-8013. The Department of Law Enforcement and Safety will notify the Administrator on duty.

Any student who is ill and needs immediate medical attention should contact the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety or the nearest College employee for assistance. If a student is incapacitated, the College will contact emergency transport to take the student to the nearest hospital or emergency room.

English Proficiency Student Complaint Procedure

This procedure is published under Academic Regulations and Student Services in compliance with Commission on Higher Education requirements.

All applicant finalists for employment in the credit instructional areas will be carefully screened during the hiring process to determine if they are proficient in the use of the English language. Although there may be pronunciation differences or inflectional variations which differ from the norm of the local population, these should not hinder the instructional process. However, if a student feels that he/she is unable to benefit from classroom instruction because of an instructor’s lack of English language proficiency, the student should follow the procedure outlined below in order to resolve the concern.

  1. The student should talk with the instructor about language concerns and be specific about what language problems are distracting from the instructional process (i.e., talks too fast, pronunciation of key words, etc.).
  2. If the student does not believe the concern has been resolved, the student should make an appointment to see the Department Chair of the instructional area involved. The Department Chair may request that the problems be specified in writing. The Department Chair will review the concerns (i.e., classroom observation, test review, other student input) and respond to the student in writing.
  3. If the student feels that there is further need to address the concern, the student should specify the problem in writing to the Division Associate Vice President (AVP) and make a follow-up appointment for discussion. The Division AVP may elect to discuss the situation with the Department Chair, the instructor, and the student. The Division AVP, with the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, will determine if the situation merits an English Proficiency Performance Review. The student should receive from the Division AVP a written response covering any subsequent recommendations/results.
  4. If the student is not satisfied with the response from the Division AVP, the student may schedule an appointment with the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

Student Right-To-Know Information

York Technical College publishes and distributes certain information to prospects, students, and College employees on a regular basis as required by Federal legislation. The Student Right-To-Know information describes the current progress made by students pursuing a degree, diploma or certificate at the College. The Jeanne Clery Act requires the College to distribute to all current students, faculty, and staff members campus security policies and statistics concerning specific types of campus crimes. Published annually, this information is available online on the Consumer information section of the College’s website at Paper copies are also available upon request from the Office of the Dean for Student Engagement.

Campus Security and Safety

Annual Security Report (Jeanne Clery Act)

York Technical College is committed to maintaining a safe campus community. In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)), The College publishes the Annual Security Report which contains campus statistics and crime awareness information for current and prospective students and employees. The report also includes institutional policies and procedures concerning campus security. A paper copy of the Annual Security Report may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Dean for Student Engagement at 803-327-8007 or viewed online here. Currently enrolled students are sent an email message each term of enrollment with a direct link to this important consumer information.

Campus Law Enforcement

Campus Security and Safety is maintained by the York Technical College Department of Law Enforcement and Safety. Within the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety are Campus Police and Campus Safety. Campus Police is staffed by three armed, certified law enforcement officers with full arrest and investigative authority within the state of South Carolina. The York Technical College Department of Law Enforcement and Safety works closely with local law enforcement where campus locations are within local jurisdictions. Campus Safety personnel are located on main campus, and is also located at the Chester Campus. Campus Safety assists the campus community with parking management, lost and found, escorts, vehicle assistance, and minor emergency medical comfort aid and assistance.

Safety and Awareness Programs

Students and employees are encouraged to be responsible for their own security and the security of others by taking reasonable precautions. Safety and Awareness Programs are announced in the Student News, on Tech TV, and under Updates in the Desire2Learn course management system. Program offerings vary throughout the year and include relevant topics in response to identified needs and social trends. In addition, the College provides a campus poster program to promote crime awareness and prevention information. This information is available to students and employees of the College. All college employees receive an Emergency Quick Reference Guide via email, and copies are posted in each classroom and office each term to ensure that they have important safety procedures and contact information readily available.

Emergency Help

Main Campus - The phone number for the York Technical College Department of Law Enforcement and Safety is 803-327-8013. The office comprises both Campus Police and Campus Safety. The Department of Public Safety Campus Police Office is located on the main campus at the Hood Center. Campus Safety is located in Building A, second floor, room A200. Two emergency call stations are on the main campus of York Technical College. They are located at the southeast corner of Building A and the northeast corner of Building C. The emergency call stations are equipped with two buttons labeled “911” and “Help.” The “911” button should only be used in the case of an emergency just as if you were dialing 911 from a phone. The “Help” button is for any assistance required from a York Technical College Department of Law Enforcement and Safety Officer.

Construction Trades Center and Truck Driver Training Building - For emergency help while at the Construction Trades Center, contact the Rock Hill Police Department/Fire Department by dialing 911.

Chester Center - For emergency help while at the Chester Center, contact the Chester County Sheriff’s Office/Fire Department by dialing 911.

Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Initiative

York Technical College strives to provide a drug-free, healthful, safe, and secure educational environment. Students are required and expected to report to their classes or activities in an appropriate mental and physical condition to meet the requirements and expectations of their role. In order to prevent the consequences of alcohol and other drug use in the educational setting, the South Carolina Technical Education System has implemented a policy to ensure a drug-free educational environment. This policy outlines the punishment for violation of South Carolina laws dealing with illegal drugs and alcohol, along with severity of the penalty, depending on the type of illegal drug in question. The Policy is available online under the Student Consumer Information section at Students and employees are notified annually of the availability and specific electronic address of this information.

The College has personal counselors available and provides programs each year to create awareness and offer resources on alcohol and drug abuse concerns. In addition, the College has an arrangement with an off-campus agency to counsel with any campus personnel in need of services. The College offers programs (i.e., Red Ribbon Week, Health Fair, alcohol impairment simulator, poster campaigns, etc.) to assist students’ understanding of the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse.

Reported Incidents for York Technical College

York Technical College’s Annual Security Report is published in its entirety on the College’s website at and under the Student Consumer Information section at The report includes statistics for the previous three years on crimes reported to local police agencies or to the York Technical College Department of Law Enforcement and Safety that occurred on the main campus; off-campus locations; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by York Technical College; and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. Individuals can obtain a paper copy of the Annual Security report by contacting the Office of the Dean for Student Engagement at 803-327-8007.

York Technical College encourages prompt reporting of any criminal incident at any geographic location to the Department of Public Safety, 803-327-8013, or the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, 803-981-7127.

Reporting Crimes or Other Emergencies on Campus

Crimes or other emergencies on campus should be reported accurately and promptly to the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety. The Dean for Student Engagement Office is notified of any crimes on campus that involve students. Incident reports are completed by public safety officers and sent to the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety Chief and the Vice President for Business Services. Individuals may confidentially report a crime by logging on to the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety website at and selecting the “Contact Us” tab.

Crime Log

A daily crime log for the most recent 60-day period is available for public inspection, upon request, during normal business hours by contacting the Dean for Student Engagement Office. The daily crime log includes the nature of the alleged crime, the date the incident was reported, the date and time the incident occurred, the general location of the incident, and the disposition of the complaint if known.

Prohibition of Weapons

State law prohibits the possession or use of any firearm, dangerous weapon, incendiary device, or explosive on campus unless such possession or use has been authorized by the College.

Timely Warning and Emergency Notification

If a situation arises which poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees, emergency notifications will be sent through the College’s messaging system called York Tech Alerts. The system allows the College to send emergency notifications and other important messages through multiple channels including email, text messaging, and social media sites. Upon admission, students are automatically added to the York Tech Alerts messaging system to receive emergency notifications and are provided more detailed information on how to access the system to update their contact information and modify their preferences. York Technical College’s emergency response and evacuation procedures are published in the Campus Security Report located on the College’s website at and are publicized and tested annually.

The Crisis Management Team (CMT) of the College will convene to determine if a situation poses an immediate threat to the campus community unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of the responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. The CMT will also determine which segments of the college community are to receive the notification, determine the content of the notification, and initiate the notification system. The CMT is comprised of the President, Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Vice President of Business Services, Vice President for Communications and External Relations, Dean for Student Engagement, Department of Law Enforcement and Safety Chief, Assistant Vice President of Facilities Management, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Assistant Vice President, Institutional Excellence, and Assistant Vice President for Information Services.

Sex Offenders Registry

The Campus Crimes Prevention Act (Public Law 106-386) requires tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education. The Sex Offender Registry is available to the public at

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

The College is committed to maintaining a safe campus community and, therefore, strictly prohibits sexual misconduct. The College’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Process comply with Federal Law 34 CFR 668.46 (9b) (11) and Section 59-105-10 of the S.C. Campus Sexual Assault Information Act. The processes are published on the College’s website in the Annual Security Report at In addition, the College’s  Student Code describes the processes for addressing alleged acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment at For further questions or guidance, contact the Dean for Student Engagement and the Title IX Coordinator at 803-327-8047.

College Use of Photographs

It is the College’s practice to take photographs of students and staff around campus and/or at College related activities for use in various College publications, including the College’s web pages. If the individuals in the photographs are to be identified by name or the photograph is posed rather than spontaneous, the permission of the individual(s) will be obtained prior to use of the photograph. If any student or employee does not wish to have his or her photograph used in any identifiable way, every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate that request, provided the employee or student gives notice of such request to the Strategic Communications and Marketing Office by calling 803-981-7114.


Visitors to York Technical College are welcome, but all must register at the reception area in the Administration building (H) upon arrival. Students may not take visitors to class with them except with special administrative approval. Children are not permitted in classrooms, shops, labs, library, or the Assessment Center. Children should not be left unattended at any time on campus.

Contacting Students on Campus

In the case of an extreme emergency between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., a student may be located on campus by contacting the Counseling and Support Services Office 803-327-8007. After 5 p.m. or on weekends, contact the Public Safety Office at 803-327-8013. To minimize disruption of classes, messages are only delivered in emergency situations.